But when the literary devices change, the tone changes from satire to authentic language. Misusing metaphors adds to the comedic value of the sonnet and sets a satirical tone. Other significant achievements took place in less… In other words, the renaissance of the twelfth century played an integral part in transmitting scientific methodology within a predominantly religious environment that required thinkers to harmonise science with religion. Scholars could explore natural phenomena with an openness to past views, although often the learning acquired was purely rational rather than experimental, and was fused with a biblical worldview. While Christianity did not recede as a dogmatic cultural system, it was not entirely determinative.

Scholars like Robert Grosseteste, Albertus Magnus, and Roger Bacon wrote about natural science to a growing audience. The European university system was established alongside monasteries as centres for the propagation of knowledge. Aristotelian influence predominated together with the wisdom and learning of other ancient writers, while the former was often used as a framework for intellectual debates which readily expanded both philosophy and other areas of knowledge (Grant 127-131).